Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Could It Be The End of Internet Marketing?

Hi Again...

Darwin here...

I just got an email about a Free Report called - "The Death of Internet Marketing"
by a guy named Mike Filsaime.

I was thinking this was some kind of hype or sales pitch and was thinking, "not again", like you may be feeling now, that I thought it was some overworked offer to get me to join for free and get some offer...

...I found out I was wrong and glad I was and glad I did take the time to read the report.

It turns out that this report really made me see the truth as to the nature and depth of the death of Internet marketing. Even though the titel sounds bleak, the report offers a viable solution for you to succeed in the near future.

If this information is available for free and you truly want to succeed in an online business why wouldn't you want to read it?

I read it and am taking action and I am offering you this same chance I have.

I suggest you take some time now. whatever you are doing , and go download and read this report. You will be glad you did.

Think about your dreams and give yourself a much better chance at success by going here now...


PS - Mike says it will only be available for a few weeks at most so do not delay...

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Simple and Efficient!

At last, an HTML Editor?Website Builder software created with the internet marketer in mind.

It you are like me you want to get the show on the road. But there are many of the tools we need to ply our trade need to come with their own personal technician.

Click here for more information on XSitePro

I have learned a lot and can do many things now but it has taken a lot of time and energy to implement ideas to improve and optimize my business. I want to get it out there so it can be productive and useful, whether it's information, products or services.

When I discovered XSitePro, I was happy and excited. XSitePro is an appropriate name for sure. It is exciting to be able to create a professional style website so simply. With all the features built in to the software it is almost like having that personal technician coming with the investment.

Click here to view the "7 Reasons Why You Need XSitePro Now!" video

You don't need to be a techie to translate how to use this software. You can create your very own personalized website quickly. Your website will include everything it needs to be successful on the net.

All the features offered with this package are created to optimize it's value to you, the investor. My business has shifted to high gear because I don't have to spend weeks building a revenue generating website. Now it's just hours after I have my ideas and plans set. XSitePro is one of the best and most productive investments I have made.

Click here to invest in XSite Pro

You can build an infinite number of websites and webpages with no further investment because you own this product. It is also perfect to update and upgrade websites and webpages too. This invaluable too also helps you create great content which is necessary to get recognized by search engines. If you want bells and whistles and entertainment then XSitePro is not for you but if you want to create hard working, experienced, internet marketing websites then I highly recommend this to you.

Click here to find out how to double your income in one-hour and multiply it ten-fold in just 5-days

Simple Solutions for Success and Freedom

Darwin N Dennis
Home Business & Work at Home
Opportunities, Ideas, Info and Resources


Saturday, April 08, 2006

Invest in Knowledge

Internet marketing, whether used for a home business, or part time work at home to earn some extra money, is relatively new. There are people doing it and thriving at it. Many of them learned by trial and error and at great expense. To save money and to make sure you can do well if you choose this is to get some good education first

Education and learning is a continuous process during our lives. It begins at home with our parents and continues throughout our educational period. Learning has many faces, formal, informal, free, paid, learn by doing, learn by observing, learn by victory and learn by mistakes.

We spend a lot of time and money to get formal classroom education. For the most part we never use that knowledge again. What we do gain is the lessons of doing our homework and meeting schedules. We also learn how to interact with other people. By the time we graduate from a university oft times we have forgotten most of what we learned because we haven't been using it.

For me I feel I learned more in my life experiences then in a classroom. Learned more of things I can put to good use. Outside of the classroom I choose what I wanted to spend my time learning and what books I wanted to read and gain my knowledge. This specialized knowledge was by far more valuable. But we also spend money to learn things for fun. Tennis, golf, flying, cooking, languages and playing instruments are just a few examples.

With all the money people are spending on education wouldn't it make sense to invest your money in education that can pay you back? If you want to be a pilot you must learn to fly a plane. If you want to be musician you must learn to play. If you want to have an internet business shouldn't you invest some time and money to learn first?

If you decide to use the on-the-job-training method you will probably end up spending a lot of money needlessly to learn a lesson. It is better to get the knowledge you need to give you a chance at succeeding.

You could get some information for free, but you usually get what you paid for. If you are willing to invest your time and money it will tell your subconscious you are serious. Also if you spend your money to learn you will treat it more precious.

There is a time proven internet marking course available. As you know time is the true test. If something is legitimate and of value it will withstand the test of time. If something is not good the word gets out and that business will disappear. The authors of this course are successful and the knowledge is what they used to earn a lot of money. I suggest you take a few minutes to investigate this course. "The Insiders Secrets to Marketing Your Business on the Internet." It offers you a good solid foundation to build your business on and is a great place to start. It will be education money well invested. Go ahead and check it out.
The Insider Secrets to Marketing Your Business on the Internet!

Simple Solutions for Success and Freedom

Darwin N Dennis
Home Business & Work at Home
Opportunities, Ideas, Information and Resources.
Helping you achieve success and ……….

Monday, March 13, 2006

Oh Yeah, I have a Home Business.

Oh Yeah, I have a Home Business

Copyright © Darwin N Dennis

Oh no the sun is up, it is bright out already. I didn't hear the alarm clock,I must have overslept. Wait a minute, Oh yeah., I work at home now,I have internet arketing business at home, I can sleep in when I want. No stress, no pressure and an enjoyable commute.

I want to get up now. I get ready for my commute, do I have gas in my car? Oh yeah, I have a home business now, I just down the hallway, wow, no traffic. I want to get a cup of coffee before I go to work. So I stop on my kitchen and get a cup. It's hot and fresh, it's not Starbucks but I can sit and enjoy it. Can you imagine this? I continue my commute to the office. Back down the hallway. I arrive and park in my computer chair. No worry about a place to park. No arguments about parking spaces.

I turn on my computer to check the night shift. Oh, guess what? I am the night shift too. The amazing thing about this wonderful business……. it is global and goes on 24 hours a day. It is such a good feeling to see that you earned money while you were sleeping. It is a win-win situation. Somebody got something good that they wanted in their life and you get an improvement in your future with earnings..

After checking the results from the night shift, can go do morning exercise. If that is how you want to plan your day. It is yours to plan as you want. Can you see yourself doing this? I can't imagine doing anything else now. You can join me. It's easy. You don't even have to go anywhere You can join me from where you are. That can be your office too. There is plenty of room now but don't wait too long.

About the author: I am retired military and now operates a successful internet
marketing business. I live in Thailand.

Darwin N Dennis

To find the best home based business ideas and opportunities so you can work at home and enjoy the same lifestyle I have come to enjoy visit:

mailto: support@profits-in-hand.com

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Do you have what it takes to be an e-entrepeneur?

Do you have what it takes to be an e-entrepreneur?
Copyright © Stone Evans, The Home Biz Guy
Author of "Dotcomology - The Science of Making Money Online"

These days, it seems like everyone wants to work
from home and make money on the Internet. But
before you even turn on your computer, the first
question you have to ask yourself is whether
you’re cut out for this kind of work.

The fact is, building a home-based business isn’t
for everyone. Some people like the commute. They
really do enjoy having a boss who tells them what
to do, and they like the routine of working
nine-to-five for an ordinary salary that can
barely pay the mortgage. Personally, I think
they’re nuts.

More reasonably, there are people who are
concerned about the risk of starting up their own
business. They’re not sure it’s worth the
investment of time and money, and they’re scared
of the responsibility that comes with running
their own company. They wonder if there is
another way to escape the rat race.

I’m sure there is. You could win the lottery or
wait for your Aunt Sue to keel over and leave you
her condo. Or maybe you could sit down with a pen
and paper and draw the blueprint for "The Next
Big Thing". Anything can happen... Right?

For me, what happened was creating a successful,
self-running Internet marketing system. It didn’t
happen without effort. It didn’t happen without
at least some initial investment of both time and
money and, of course, it doesn’t happen now
without me making sure that the taxes are filed
and the paperwork is done. But it happened.

I’m my own boss. I work from home according to my
own schedule and I get to pocket all the cash my
business makes. If you’re prepared to give an
e-business the time, the work and the money it
needs to get started and get growing, it can
happen for you too.

Article excerpted from "Dotcomology":
Don't Pay A Dime For Any Ebook, Marketing
Course, Software Program Or Anything Else Until
You've Read This Groundbreaking Document...
Click Here to Discover "Dotcomology" Now!


Copyright © Stone Evans, The Home Biz Guy
All rights reserved.
19009 Preston Road, Suite 215-209
Dallas, TX 75252

Why Home Business?

Why Home Business?
Copyright © Darwin Dennis

(How business is just one option. It isn't for everyone. Some people want and need the structured, ordered 9-5 life. They need a boss telling them exactly what to do everyday.

But as for me home business is perfect and what I was searching for. I like making my own decisions and plans. I love choosing my work hours and what I will wear when I am working. If I want to stay up late and wear shorts working I can do it. I am my own boss. I can listen to whatever music I like and nobody complains.

I knew I wanted my own business but I didn't have a lot of start up money. I discovered internet marketing and it has been perfect for me. It is easy and affordable to get started and very fullfilling and satisfying. It allows me freedom of thought and expression. This home business has been very good to me and it's the only thing I want to do. I didn't need a lot of expertise to get started but it comes and there is plenty of help along to way.

Why home business? It is up to you how and when you work and how much money you went to earn. For me it's the only choice.

About the Author:The author is Darwin Dennis, retired from US Army. Now a proud owner of a successful internet marketing business after attempting many second career opportunities. Darwin lives in Thailand.

To find the best home based business ideas and
opportunities so you can work at home visit: